Rhythm of Life

Merging Multiple Experts Training Journey

A well-designed Learning Journey starts with an accurate diagnosis to determine and focus on the most critical leadership skill gaps. This may be a group that needs analysis or individual assessments based on 360-feedback or assessment centers. Led by a team of technologists and psychologists and corporate, organizational, occupational, and industrial counselors, we have consulted with local and multinational corporate companies, governmental and non-governmental agencies, and universities.

We start all started coaching at school

Founder Elanggovan Thanggavilo has a passion for teaching others. Elanggovan begin coaching about psychology and technology at school to his teachers and his friends


Founder launch technical training for corporate and schools

He designed, installed, and teach the PC's oldest networking system. Novell, NetWare computer network operating system developed by Novell, Inc. It initially used cooperative multitasking to run various services on a personal computer, using the IPX network protocol.
Novell is now part of Micro Focus.


Cofounder of iSPEETS Technology

Top Malaysia Custom Software Development Companies since 1992. Now certain parts of the business bought by UYP Group


Founded world first Intrinsic Training Institute

Widely considered Malaysia’s and the world's most niche Saathivic training module inventors group. The world’s first group of experts invented the Intrinsic Brain Training Methodology
Established The Seven Secrets Rhythm
Launched HiiLSE Global Ventures


Group of Experts Venture into The 7 Secrets Rhythm

Practical techniques that will moderate inner brain frequency. You will be able to take charge of your subconscious & unconscious mind. Achieving personal Excellencies that will have a direct impact on your career and business growth automatically.


Established Knowledge Rhythm International

We have traveled your journey. We are a group of experts who always received inquiries "How to Become a Motivational Public Speaker, Corporate Trainer, How to become book writer: Getting Started and Growing Speaking Career" "Can someone guide us from experience flow?"

Owned by UYP Centrium (M) Sdn Bhd

Managed by Intelligent Society of Malaysia

Platinum Sponsor & Supported by DAR IHsan Berhad

Our History

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